BlueNote TOKYO

NATALIE COLE , 特別インタビュー - - Interview : NATA...


exclusive interview : NATALIE COLE



→ NATALIE COLEの公演詳細はこちらから

Q. 1

In February of 2008, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, and in June of that same year I came to Tokyo to perform at the Blue Note.
I did not want to disappoint my fans, and so I decided I would do the best I could!
It was a very difficult time for me, but I could feel the support and love of the audience....something I will never forget.

I had a kidney transplant In 2009 and I have never felt! better!


Q. 2

☆ NC:
We are going to have a great show incorporating songs from the Still Unforgettable CD, of course the Unforgettable CD and songs from the Great American Songbook.
And I will always try to perform some of my R&b hits like Mr. Melody
And This Will Be!
スティル・アンフォゲッタブルのCD からの曲と、そしてもちろんアンフォゲッタブルのCDからも、さらにグレート・アメリカン・ソングブックからの曲で構成して、すばらしいステージにします。

Q. 3

☆ NC:
As far as what I like to do while I am in Tokyo-----shopping of course!!
I am hoping to find a beautiful kimono on this trip.

Q. 4

☆ NC:
To my fans....

I can't wait to see you all!
Your love and prayers got me through a really difficul time and this time, there will be tears of joy all around!

I will be celebratieenge My one year anniversary on May 19th at the Blue Note Tokyo since the surgery.
It will be a fun night

Thank you.




●5.16sun.-5.23sun. (5.19wed.OFF)

 official web site :

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 HTML メールにて、新規決定公演のいち早情報や、おすすめ情報をお届け。

CHUCHO VALDES , 特別インタビュー - - Interview : CHUC...



exclusive interview : CHUCHO VALDES

10代の頃からキューバ音楽シーンの先端に立ち、’70年代に入ると 超絶ユニット“イラケレ”で世界進出。今なおワン&オンリーの音楽性に磨きをかけ続けるスーパー・ピアニスト、チューチョ・バルデスに話を聞きました。

→ パフォーマンス&メッセージ映像はこちらから

Q. 1

El piano es un instrumento muy completo.No es un instrumento de percusión pero es un instrumento de cuerdas percutidas, o sea, la percusión se produce cuando el martillo golpea las cuerdas.El piano es un instrumento grandemente armónico y melódico pero también rítmico. Si quieres convertirlo en un instrumento rítmico además puedes unir las melodías, las armonías y el ritmo.
En el caso de los pianistas cubanos, que tenemos raíces africanas y hemos estudiado, la pedagogía europea del piano, aplicamos todo lo que es melodía, arnmonía pero acompañado también de mucho ritmo y de mucha polirrítmia.
El piano es un instrumento donde, por ejemplo yo en mi caso, he aprendido a llevar los toques de las congas, de los timbales, de los tambores batá y mucha combinación de muchas inversiones que yo mismo he hecho de porirrítmia a base de ritmos del piano, pero siempre llevan base armónica y base melódica. Y siempre no se toca de forma percutida, a veces sí y otras se toca el piano melódica y armonicamente, pero también se mezcla.


→ パフォーマンス&メッセージ映像はこちらから

− ピアノとの出会いについて教えて下さい。

☆ CV:
En mi casa, cuando yo abrí los ojos al mundo, habia un piano que tocaba mi padre, que toca mi padre Bebo Valdés. Entonces fue el primer instrumento que yo ví, fue mi primer juguete. Yo toco el piano desde los 3 años de edad, según la historia que hace mi papá, yo empecé a tocar el piano. ¡Ya a tocar el piano!, a los 3 años de oido, de escucharlo a él. Después comencé mis clases y mi preparación en la escuela de música clásica.

Q. 2

☆ CV:
Hay muchos músicos que respeto, es una lista muy larga, ¿no? Entre los músicos cubanos y los músicos de todas partes.Entre los cubanos está Ernesto Lecuona, fantástico, de los más grandes pianistas cubanos. Está Bebo Valdés, que es mi papá, Cervantes, Saumell, Frank Férnandez, Jorge Lúis Prats, que son los clásicos cubanos y los jovenes talentos como Rolando Luna, Harold López-Nussa y muchos otros jovenes pianistas que no puedo decir todos, ¿no?
En el ámbito del mundo clásico o llamado clásico del piano desde niño fui a ver conciertos de Rubinstein en el Liceo Horowitz, que era mi ídolo en eso mundo, en esa época que yo era un niño. Hoy admiro a esos y a otros nuevos jovenes talentos del piano y en el jazz, bueno, la primera gran influencia que yo escuché fue Art Tatum, Teddy Wilson, Hank Jones, Bud Powell, Thelonious Monk, Tristano.Esa fue mi infancia entre Art Tatum, Monk y Bud Powell y después, bueno ya cuando era más joven empezé a escuchar a McCoy Tyner, Bill Evans, Chick Corea, Keith, Herbie. Herbie para mí es uno de los grandes pianistas, Herbie Hancock, y uno de mis favoritos en un capítulo aparte, siempre tuve una influencia grande de Dave Brubeck. Brubeck influenció mucho en mi carrera musical también. Hay otros también pero bueno digo los más...


→ CHICK COREAの公演詳細はこちらから

Q. 3

☆ CV:
En los 60 yo estaba escuchando mucho a Horace Silver, Art Blakey y The Jazz Messengers y después Miles Davis Quintet, Cannonball Adderley, John Coltrane, Billl Evans, Wynton Kelly, eso es lo que yo estaba oyendo en los 60 y a McCoy. No habian discos pero conseguiamos algunos discos.

Q. 4

☆ CV:
Sí pero los marineros nos traián los discos, del cualquier lugar del mundo de los marineros.
¿Cómo se dice en inglés marineros? Seamen, sí, seamen los traián y entonces podiamos así seguir hasta que se pudo seguir oyendo.
Pero también los escuchaba por radio, shortwave, “The voice of American jazz hour”. Un programa por onda corta, el programa de jazz de la voz de los Estados Unidos. Por onda corta, shortwave, el locutor se llamaba Willis Cannover. A través del radio escuchabamos los programas.

− キューバに電波は届いたのですか?

☆ CV:
Sí, si queda cerca, muy carca Jajajaja...

Q. 5
ご家族について、きかせていただけますか? お父さんのベボ・バルデスはもちろん、息子さんもピアニストですね?

☆ CV:
Tengo todos músicos. Mi padre es el primer músico en la familia. El segundo soy yo, el tercero mi hermana Mayra Caridad, Después de Mayra Caridad está Chuchito, Después está Emilio, otro de mis hijos y después está Leyanis. Emilio es drummer, Leyanis que es tremenda pianista.Sí, tiene ahora 28, Leyanis. Estudió piano clásico en Italia, toca jazz y toca muy bien, y entonces Jessy. Jessy es mi hijo que él sigue a Leyanis. Tiene 25 años. Es drummer y el más pequeño tiene 2 años. Pienso que va a tocar el piano. ¡Ah! y mi madre es cantante. Ella vive, esta vivita. Mi madre, 89 cumplió. Es la mamá que enseñó a cantar a Mayra.Sí, es una suerte y mis padres vivos es una bendición, es un privilegio.


− ルバルカバ一家もそうですが、キューバにはなぜこんなに音楽一家が多いのでしょうか。

☆ CV:
Es genético. Los genes, o sea, pienso que se hereda a traves de los genes. No es que papá dice, tienes que estudiar música, es que el niño ya le gusta la música porque ve a su papá y viene con eso.

− 多くのキューバ人ミュージシャンが海外で活躍していますが、あなたは今でもキューバ在住です。

☆ CV:
si yo trabajo en todos los lugares del mundo y en mi caso, a mi me gusta estar con mi familia y entonces yo tengo mi familia en cuba. My family is in Cuba. My mother is in Cuba, my sons, my sister is in Cuba. I love my family.

Q. 6

☆ CV:
¿Por Jazz?
Libertad. Freedom, es el equivalente. Jazz es libertad.

− 10年後、ジャズはどうなっていると思いますか?

☆ CV:
No, que siga forever, forever. Y seguirá por siempre.


− コンセプトは変わらずに続くのですか?

☆ CV:
Pueden cambiar los conceptos. El jazz siempre ha ido cambiando los conceptos por etapas. El jazz ha tenido sus etapas de cambios pero sigue siendo jazz, y por supuesto las generaciones que vienen proximas van a quedar nuevos conceptos sobre el jazz, pero sigue siendo jazz. Libertad de improvisación, de pensamiento, de tocar, de abrir la mente hasta donde tú puedas llegar. Lo máximo.

− チューチョさんはご自身について、あなたが連想された "ジャズ・ミュージシャン" とお考えですか?

☆ CV:
Yo soy músico.
Y soy jazzista. ¡Fíjate como te digo! Porque no solamente toco jazz.
I am a musician and I am a jazz player, but I play classical too and I play cuban music, popular too, but I am a Jazz player too but I am a musician. Completo, dicen. Jajajajaja!


Q. 7
キューバの国立交響楽団との共演アルバム『Canto A Dios』( Factoria Autor/海外盤)をリリースされましたが、今後のアイディア、夢を教えていただけますか?

☆ CV:
Tengo la idéa de, además de mi cuarteto, ¿no? Hacer los conciertos con la orquesta sinfónica y mi cuarteto juntos. Ya hicimos el disco, hicimos concierto en Buffalo, United States, La ciudad de Buffalo, la sinfónica de Buffalo. La sinfónica de Buenos Aires también, en argentina, en el teatro Colón.


Q. 8

☆ CV:
Para cuando venga, 10 años después? No sé, porque todos los días se me ocurre algo diferente, Jajajajaja. I think every day different things. I don’t know 10 years after. Muy lejos, long!!

Q. 9
☆ CV:
Yo escucho a Makoto Ozone hace muchos años. Desde el dueto Makoto Ozone y Gary Burton. El disco de Makoto Ozone y Gary Burton, long time ago, fantastico. Makoto Ozone, Great Player, fantastico, muy bueno.

− 彼と共演したいですか?

☆ CV:
Sí, ¿por que no? Sí. Un dueto. Come on Makoto, Jajajajaja....
El es un gran músico, lo admiro mucho.

Q. 10

☆ CV:
Mi pensamiento de la música es que hay dos formas de ser músico. Una es vivir de la música, y la otra en vivir para la música, o sea, yo desde que nací, mi mayor privilegio es ser músico, porque es lo que más me gusta y entonces he vivido siempre para hacer música. Sobre todo, me disfruto en cualquier sentido tocar el piano, escribir música, ensayar, trabajar, hacer conciertos y lo que si aconsejo, ¿no?
A los que quieren ser músicos, es que es un compromiso grande que se tiene que llevar hasta el final de la vida. Es un compromiso con uno mismo primero y después con el público que te escucha, entoncés debe ser muy estudioso y tratar de dar siempre lo mejor. Nunca parar, no puedes parar para poderte sentir bien, dar lo mejor que tú puedas y hacerle llegar a las personas que te oyen con respeto lo mejor que tú puedas hacer.


→ ROBERTO FONSECAの公演詳細はこちらから

Q. 11

☆ CV:
Bueno, yo voy a repertir una frase que dijo un cubano hace muchos años que se llama José Martí.”La música es el alma de los pueblos”. Es el lenguaje universal. Un pueblo sin música, es un pueblo sin alma, pero todos los pueblos tienen música así que todos los pueblos tienen alma.

Q. 12

☆ CV:
Quiero decir una sola cosa sobre Paquito. Quiero que se lo digan a Paquito También, esto que yo digo, que ustedes se lo digan verbalmente y se lo digan por escrito. Paquito D’Rivera es el músico más completo del planeta tierra, es un genio. Es el más grande genio que yo he conocido. Y para mi fue un honor haber tocado junto a Paquito.


→ PAQUITO D'RIVERAの公演詳細はこちらから

Q. 13

☆ CV:
A los que vinieron les digo que ojalá les haya gustado el trabajo que hemos expuesto aca, que hemos tocado, ojalá que les haya gustado, pienso que si porque han aplaudido mucho.
Los que no han podido escuchar, entonces le digo al Blue Note, que nos vuelvan a traer el año que viene para que esas mismas personajes no puedan escuchar entonces... ¡Jajajajaja!
今回公演に来てくれた方々へ― 私たちの演奏を気に入ってくれたことを願います。大きな拍手をしてくれたので、おそらく気に入って頂いたとは思いますが。
また、今回来られなかった方へ― ブルーノートにお願いします。来年またぜひ呼んで下さい。そうしないと、素晴らしい私たちの演奏をもう聴くことができなくなりますよ、ハハハハハ!

 official web site :

◆ BLUE NOTE TOKYO メールマガジン・会員も募集中。
 HTML メールにて、新規決定公演のいち早情報や、おすすめ情報をお届け。

ELDAR , 特別インタビュー - - Interview : ELDA...




exclusive interview : ELDAR

先日、東京JAZZ フェスティバルにて NHK交響楽団との競演のため来日をしていたエルダーにお話をうかがいました。
10代より "天才の登場” と、ジャズ会をにぎわせた少年もすでに20代なかばに差しかかり、

Q. 1

I love playing at the Blue Note because I love the audience, I like the atmosphere of the club, and people are always paying attention to the music and they’re open. And it’s always great sharing the music with people who are intelligent and are open to hearing the music, so I love it. I definitely mean that, because the quality of just the way everything is put together – everything is so organized and everything is just so precise – I love it.* And another thing that’s always something that I notice all the time is that every time we play the instruments are so amazing. You know, because sometime you’ll be in some clubs and the instruments are like “Oh my god…” But the instruments are always so perfect and that’s so important to the overall happiness.



Well, I’m excited about the release of Virtue – the new record. So we are going to be playing some tunes from the new record, and some tunes that I have been doing in the past – some standards and some older originals of mine. So there’s going to be a mix of those things.


Definitely. I’m very excited about this album because it is the best representation of me. It speaks about something I’ve wanted to accomplish for a few years, and I’m very happy that I had a chance to accomplish and put this record out. And I’m especially happy about the musicians on the record. The energy that I have with them – Armando Gola on the bass and Ludwig Afonso on the drums – have created and transformed many of my ideas into a vision that we melded together. And Joshua Redman, I’ve been a fan of his for a long time and I’ve known him. So it’s a pleasure to be playing with him on the record. And Nicholas Payton, I met when I was about 13 years old when I was attending the Brubeck Institute of the Arts in the University of Stockton. It’s a 2-3 week program that’s sponsored by Dave Brubeck, and he collects a bunch of different young musicians – like 13 to 17 something like that – and puts them together, and there’s a guest artist that teaches the kids. And Nicholas Payton happened to be the guest artist the year when I was there. I had a great time and I have a lot of respect for those musicians. And Nicholas is the nicest guy, and a magnificent trumpet player, so it was an easy connection to make and perfect for the record.
まさにその通り。このアルバムは自分をもっとも良く表現できたと思うから、とても興奮しているんだ。数年間成し遂げたいと思ってきたことを表現できたし、それをやり遂げアルバムとしてリリースする機会に恵まれて、本当にハッピーさ。とりわけ参加してくれたミュージシャンについては、とても嬉しく思っているよ。彼らと-ベースのアルマンド・ゴーラとドラムスのルドヴィック・アルフォンソと-一緒に持つことができたエネルギーが、僕の多くのアイデアを彼らと一緒に融合させ、それがひとつの光景へと創り上げられ、さらに変容を遂げたんだ。そしてジョシュア・レッドマン。僕は長年に渡る彼のファンだし、それによく知っていた。だからこのアルバムで、ジョシュアと一緒に演奏ができたのはとても嬉しかったよ。後はニコラス・ペイトン。13歳くらいの時、僕はストックトンのパシフィック大学のブルーベック・インスティテュート・オブ・アーツ(Brubeck Institute of the Arts)に通って、そこでニコラスに出会ったのさ。デイヴ・ブルーベックがスポンサーをしていた2-3週間のプログラムで、たくさんの様々な、13歳から17歳といった若いミュージシャンたちが一緒に集められていて、彼らを教えるためにゲスト・アーティストが来ていた。僕が参加した年に、たまたまニコラス・ペイトンがゲスト・アーティストとしていたんだ。本当に素晴らしい経験をしたし、そこにいたミュージシャンたちのことをとても尊敬している。ニコラスは特にいい人で、それに素晴らしいトランペット・プレイヤーだから自然につながりが生まれたし、それがこのアルバムにも完璧に作用したよ。



To be honest, I just try to practice. It was just a conversation that we had*, but to me, being passionate about the music is like music being kind of like a great barometer, something you can’t buy with money, something that’s pure to you as an individual. What you do with it has to do with you, and that’s something that I really appreciate about music. Because it’s so pure and really, things that are outside and not connected with music most of the time they never really connect in the most direct way with music as music and your personal relationship with music.* So I think “genius” or such words are irrelevant. What’s relevant is just playing music.


I think that just as many different personalities there are, different musicians practice at different certain times. But to me, practicing was something that I’ve done insistently* through my life. When I started playing at 5*, I consistently started practicing. At the time I was playing classical music, and my mom started me with classical music, at the time.* So I’ve practiced consistently throughout all my life. And as I got older, I practiced more because I consciously said to myself, “This is something that I’m interested in doing.” Not from a young kid’s perspective, but as I got older, it became more a part of me. So I think that* the more I developed that very real relationship with music, which can go lots of different ways. And I think that at the end of the day, it just matters, the amount of priorities you have and what you want to accomplish. And I choose to practice as much as I can so it ranges from, when I was in my teens, it would be 8 or 7 hours, but I try to get as much as I can, sometimes it can be 4 or 5 hours. But even if I’m traveling, I’ll try to squeeze in some practice time too. And a lot of times I write, and a lot of times I listen to music. So basically everything – my living – always revolves around music, even if I’m not practicing. In a way, it* revolves and touches music.



Yeah, definitely. I use it for two main purposes. On the record, I use a particular, I use a KORG on the record.* But I use it in a certain way where it’s consistent to the whole record. So it’s a certain very particular concept, that it’ used in and in a repetitive situations in a similar way for consistency.* But also, a lot of times I’ll use those things for composition and ideas. It’s funny, but a lot of the tunes on the record, before we actually played all those tunes, what I did was that I wrote all the music down for the piano and then I sequenced everything on the keyboard. And send mp3s [to the musicians]*, little music files of the tune that I programmed myself; with drums, bass and piano and everything that’s programmed already. So that the musicians who were learning the music, like Armando and Ludwig, had an idea of what it sounded like, and they knew how to learn it based on the music and based on the concept that they heard on the midi sketches I did for them.



That’s the basis of everything that I do. Everything else is just something that adds another element to it. Like I was saying, on the record I use a lead sound that I use consistently every time. So in a sense I’m not playing keyboards, I’m playing only one sound on the keyboard 99% if the time, and then the piano. So most of everything that I do is on the piano, and the lead sound on the keyboards. So it’s just one element that has to do with one particular sound, and one particular situation, which* I use for certain climaxes and certain levels of the music when it progresses onto a certain dynamic level. That I use that.* And it repeats itself on this record and many tunes in the same presentation.


Yeah sure, there are a lot of different musicians that I admire. We were talking about those records... The first piano player that I ever actually heard was Oscar Peterson. And that was an inspiration for me to start playing music. But I listen to so many different musicians – pretty much everybody that you could think of. I listen to and try to learn as much as I can. I think as far as learning those things, it’s just a matter of what is the most attractive thing to your personality. So if you hear something and it connects to you, that’s the most important thing. But people like Pat Metheny, they have so much honesty and so much craft and creativity when they’re playing that’s based on their language, and it is so unique. And Chick Corea.. there are many different musicians that I admire.


→ CHICK COREAの公演詳細はこちらから


“Jazz”… Well I think to me, people refer to a certain kind of music that’s called “jazz”. I think the music itself what people refer to jazz*, stands for evolution. It should change and it should be a product of your environment, where you live what you experience and what you see. The more you experience and the more you see, the more dynamic I think it’s going to be. The more you can convey honestly through a language. That I feel like have put together on this record Virtue.* I think that's the reason why the name “virtue” means so much to me for this record, because it’s about integrity. It’s about being a reflection of your personality. It’s about being a reflection of subconscious events that happen to you. A series of subconscious events. your lifestyle, your energy that you’re surrounded to*… In my case, aside from the music, just being in New York, and playing as much music as I possibly can, and listening to so much music, and growing and progressing, that’s all so important for the music. “Jazz” I think, is just a term that in 2009, means that you put your own stamp on something. And if you can put your own stamp on something based on your own experiences, and based on your craft, based on your dedication, based on your level of passion that you have for music.. which I feel that way now that I’m older today.* I think I have more passion for the music than I’ve ever had, because now it’s so much more conscious, and it’s so much more ingrained in me. And now it’s so much more a part of me, than ever. It is who I am.



From the messages that I write, the one thing that I always keep in mind is that I want them to have a great time. And I want them to have positive energy because the music is all about positive energy. And I want them to forget about negative things in their lives and I want to give them a certain emotion that’s positive. And another thing about music, to me, which is so important, is if you can make music that connects to someone to a certain degree where their moment of a memory gets enhanced, I think that’s so important. Because I know I’ve had many moments with music where I remember a certain moment in my life – where I remember a certain memory. And if I can do that for somebody else, that’s the most purest*, the most powerful thing that you could do through music. And whether it's a record, or whether it's a live performance, if I can give a person that memory, that enhanced moment with music, that means everything to me. Because it’s about honesty and integrity and direct connection, and that's what music is designed to be.


 official web site :

◆ BLUE NOTE TOKYO メールマガジン・会員も募集中。
 HTML メールにて、新規決定公演のいち早情報や、おすすめ情報をお届け。

RAMSEY LEWIS , 特別インタビュー - - Interview : RAMS...



exclusive interview : RAMSEY LEWIS


Q. 1

I started out playing with Trio, and that was a lot of fun. We had some good records and everything went well. But what happened, was that we were recording an album, and Maurice White from Earth Wind and Fire, said “I have a song for you.” And the song called for us to have a synthesizer, guitar, percussion, and drums, of course. And the song became a big hit; it was called Sun Goddess. And people wanted us to play it. So, to play the sound right, we needed an electric piano and synthesizers and such. So for the next 10 years, from about 1975, I was quintet and more. And at one point, we had about nine pieces on stage and it was really big! But after the show people would say, “Oh I loved your show, but I would like to hear more piano.” But well, when you have a lot of soloists on the stage, you say, “Ok, you can have a turn, and ok, now you have a turn.” And then there’s not much left. So I broke that group down to a quintet. It was guitar, synthesizers, piano, bass and drum. But about eleven years ago, Chucho Valdes – he was in Chicago and I saw him at the backstage at the Ravinia Festial – and he invited me to play the jazz festival in Havana. And I said, “Of course I’d love to do that.” So, to myself, I looked at the groups that were gonna be there, and they were all acoustic groups. So I said, “I think I’ll just take a trio.” So I called Larry Gray, and Ernie Adams – Ernie Adams is a drummer – and we went down there and we played. And it was such a big hit and people just enjoyed the trio. And then I had so much fun because there was so much freedom – just piano, bass and drums. No guitar, no synthesizers, and no percussion – there’s just a lot of freedom. So after the concert in Cuba, I said to Larry and Ernie, “You guys wanna be a trio? You wanna stay together and go on the road?” And they said “Sure!” and we did that.


After about a year, Ernie Adams, the drummer, he wanted to go to Europe for a while. Al Di Meola invited him to do a long tour – a nine-to-ten month tour. So I was looking for a drummer and Larry found Leon Joyce. And so Larry and Leon now have both been with me for about 10 or 11 years. And I like the freedom of it. I like playing solo piano, too, so sometimes during the sets, sometimes I let them take a break and I play solo. But, the fun of playing with Larry and Leon is that we know each other so well musically that we can take a lot of chances and feel comfortable that we’re safe taking those chances. So I’m happy with the trio.


→ パフォーマンス&メッセージ映像はこちらから

今お話の中で登場した、CHUCHO VALDES の魅力とは?

☆ RL :
Chucho Valdes is a great technician. But not only does he have a lot of technique, he has a big soul, a big heart, and is a big man! But he’s a wonderful musician and I always enjoy listening to him play.


→ CHUCHO VALDESの公演詳細はこちらから


☆ RL :
I formed The Ramsey Lewis Foundation with my wife Jan about three years ago. And the whole idea of the foundation was to encourage young people to stay in school. And we found that a great hook to get them interested was music! And I’m a musician. So, we use music in that way. Many of the kids were interested in music and some of them went on to stay in the music field. Some of them used their knowledge in music to enjoy and be an educated consumer and they went on to be doctors or lawyers. But last year I had a bought with my health and I was in the hospital for some time. The work of the foundation is big, so the foundation is no longer that active. But however, my wife Jan and I still make through the foundation major contributions to schools and organizations that promote student well-being through music.


また、そのあなたの中で浮かんだ『JAZZ』は、例えば 10年後にどのようにあってほしいですか?

☆ RL :
Well, when I hear the word “jazz” the first thing that comes to my mind is improvisation and creativity. First thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word “jazz” is spontaneity. When I hear the word “jazz,” I think of being in the moment, and allowing yourself to play what you feel in that moment. When I hear the word “jazz” I think of those people who came before us, Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington and Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie, and the list just goes on – it’s a little longer than that – and what they started. And jazz has grown and split and splintered into different segments and styles and genres and that’s good, it’s all about self-expression. But, along the way jazz lost some audience, and I would like to come up with a way to get that back. There was a time when jazz was included not only as an art form but as a form of entertainment. Now many musicians prefer not to be the entertainment side, they wanna just be the art side. And sometimes the music is a little complex. And we lose some of the audience that are not as well-adept, not as well-educated, in the music to understand what a lot of the complexities are. And the music evolves. Ten years from now, for me, it would be great if jazz once again became the music of the people. At one time jazz was the music of “the people”. People danced to it, people made love to it, they had dinner to it. Jazz was the background music – the soundtrack, if you will – of a lifestyle. Maybe it’s only wishful thinking, but I would love if jazz once again became America’s popular music. If not only America’s popular music, but the world’s popular music. It’s probably one of the most important art forms – in fact, it’s the only art form – that is exported from the United States. Everything else from the United States – classical music, opera, and ballet – all came from Europe. But Jazz originated in the United States. Of course now you hear it everywhere and it’s played by everybody from every ethnic background, which is wonderful! But I would like to see it once again become very popular.


I just think of myself as a piano player. And I think that it’s important to have a rapport with the audience. I think it’s important for the audience to feel that you are happy they came to see you. That you owe them that. That if you don’t appreciate the money that they’re spending to sit there or the money they’re spending to buy your albums, then you might as well sit home and play in your closet. But any time numbers of people spend dollars or yen to come and see you or buy your CD, then you owe them the respect to acknowledge them in a pleasant way.


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MICHEL CAMILO , 特別インタビュー - - Interview : MICH...



exclusive interview : MICHEL CAMILO

Q. 1
あなたにとって音楽とは? そして世界中の人々のために、音楽というものがどうあって欲しいですか?

☆ Michel Camilo ( 以下、☆Michel. C) :
Music is of course art. And art, for me, is the most intimate expression of the soul. You know, music has the power to make you feel any type of emotion. And that’s really special. That’s what makes it so special. In fact, I tell my students in my classes sometimes, that they’re all magicians. They don’t realize it. But they’re dealing with the spirit and, you know, in reality, once you understand that, you become a better musician. Or, like I said the other day here, at the clinic, “Then you become an artist.” You see, I always again, differentiate between a musician and being an artist. The musician plays the notes, the artist plays the feeling, and the emotions. And the artist has the power of making people’s hearts become faster, making people cry, making people smile and making people remember their loved ones – the ones they are missing or the ones that are with them – and even change moods. You know, music has that power like no other art. Once you become aware of that, then you strive to be your best, because then you realize the power you have. When you can go around the world like I do now, for over 20 years, and I don’t speak Japanese, but yet I connect with the audience. And somehow they feel the power of the message of the music of each particular song which spells different moods and feelings, and maybe good memories, or where you yearn for another time or your loved ones. And I hope that the audience the most amount of the audience will connect with those messages. And yet I don’t make it that specific because I want them to project into my music whatever it is that they are willing to feel.


☆ Michel. C :
Oh, it is very important because then when you reach that stage, what happens is that you can feel literally on stage the energy coming back at you from the audience. Sometimes I hear them even sobbing or *breathes* you know like really feeling deep. And that is energy, pure energy, it’s vibration. At the end of the day, we’re all vibration, including the music. So once again, that’s another concept that is important. That’s what makes us go back and make it every time a new experience.


☆ Michel. C :
It’s great because you know Charles has become, you know, my, I call it, “alter ego”. In other words, he is very supportive a musician for me, and I rely on him a lot. And then, Cliff had been out of my trio for a while, because he did so many projects and he is a professional musician, really wonderful. And he’s great to have him back because he knows this repertoire that I chose for this tour, inside out. So that’s why I called him. I called him because I needed somebody that… I didn’t have the time to teach anybody my complete repertoire and Cliff knew it, so he was the right choice.
I was very involved in my new composition, my new work, my classical work, and my concerts, so I didn’t have that much to go and start teaching another drummer a whole new repertoire. And if you noticed we have at least 30 or 40 songs in the new book now, because we have the old and the new, together. So it was a most of work, and it’s a big challenge for the two of them to be able to catch up with me, and to be able to play any song at any given time.


そうですね。特に今回は「ザ・ベスト・オブ・ミシェル・カミロ」と題していましたから。ご自身のベストを全て披露されたと感じてらっしゃいますか? あるいはまだやり残したことがおありでしょうか?

☆ Michel. C :
Oh, no, no, there is a lot to be done. It’s just that I wanted to do kind of like a “Back to the Future,” and revisit some of my favorite songs that I haven’t been able to play for a long time. Basically because, again, some of the drummers didn’t know that repertoire, and neither they didn’t know most of those songs – the old songs – and neither did Dafnis. So they are wonderful drummers too, don’t misunderstand, please. But basically, it was a matter of who knows this music that I can just go in and play it. And yet we rehearsed for three days, three complete days, to be able to come here and play this music this way, because everything had to be properly performed.


☆ Michel. C :
That’s what I mean, that’s the challenge. What I told them too, because, “You sure you wanna do this through with me? Because this is what it’s about!” You know, “Because you gotta know all of this music inside and out!” So they said, “Yes,” the two of them. And I said, “Ok, you’re on!” *laughs*
So it’s a big challenge, even for me, to remember all this music that I haven’t played in a long time. So that’s what makes it so much fun. And at the same time, I hope that this repertoire sounds fresh, even fresher than it did, some of it, 20 years ago. But it was the challenge of, “What else can we play in this music and how we can make it sound today?” And we are better musicians that we were 20 years ago.


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☆ Michel. C :
The reason why my arms are so big now is because of my work with symphony orchestras. Yeah, because in the symphony orchestra situation, there’s no monitors, there’s no microphone, there is no PA. So you gotta make it all happen from your body. And to project with 95 musicians accompany you, you better have a big sound, otherwise you die right there. *laughs* Literally! I mean, they swallow you! It’s like, I always have an analogy: To play in an orchestra is literally to be swimming in an ocean of sound. Because sound is all around you and through you before it gets to the audience, so if you want to be heard you better have a very strong sound, and at the same time you better have control of the maximum sound you can possibly create, and the minimum as well. So you cannot lose your finesse, but you have to add power to your sound. That’s what’s been happening to me, because now I have like a dual career. I play a lot with symphonies, if you look at my curriculum; I play so much with symphonies probably as much as with jazz situations now. And that creates this type of endurance that I have now. I used to say, “I have a third wing.” I think I have a fifth wing now, ‘cause I can go so strong because of what I’ve learned with symphony orchestras, especially because the repertoire that I perform with them, which is very virtuoso type. So that’s one thing.
And I would say, well, a friend of mine was here last night, Fujie-san, is his name, Keisuke Fujie-san. And he told me that I sounded more mature, and I would agree with that. I now know how to pace myself. I used to be all about wild bravura playing – that’s what it’s called in music. And now I pace myself, and now I enjoy also the very tender, intimate moments, and I play them extended. If you notice my sets, when the song is intimate and personal, I try to make it even deeper these days. I didn’t used to do that, 10 years ago. So that’s the change, I think.
So maybe less is more, in a certain way. It’s still yet, you’re gonna get all the power and all the virtuosism, but now you also get the other end. Like, all the way to the minimalist and the colors are deeper and maybe simpler, but beautiful.



☆ Michel. C :
Always, in fact that’s why they are interested in me. Because they want me to add that jazz spirit to their music. So yes, yes.


☆ Michel. C :
Yes of course, that’s always there, especially after the film Calle 54. Yousee, that film is quintessential, because we can talk literally before that film and after that film. It’s a big phenomenon worldwide. And I felt it, immediately. That opened all the doors in the whole world for Latin jazz as a viable style. Because up until that moment, there was some jazz purists – or jazz critics – that we call the jazz police, who were not to keen on Latin jazz. They thought jazz only had to be only had to be mainstream swing, and they for them Latin jazz they couldn’t understand. But after that film, which won an award from all the jazz journalist associations in Canada and in the USA, and then they unanimously created a category and called that film the best jazz film of the year. Then everything changed. And now Latin jazz is on a top level as well, everywhere.



☆ Michel. C :
Very simple. It’s very simple. You know, the jazz creation is different in Latin because in the United States when the slaves were making – and there’s others than slaves of course, but – they were creating jazz, their owners had taken away all the original folklorical instruments, like the African drums. That's the main difference. That’s why the black musicians in the United States, had to play the marching band instruments: the snare drum, the kick drum, the bass drum, and the cymbals. And that’s why the origins of jazz are with those instruments. Even though at that time people talk about the “jungle beat” or, you know, the African influence in the jazz, in the origins of jazz. And then in the Caribbean it was different because the slave owners didn’t take away the instruments, and they let their slaves keep their African instruments. And that’s why you see the evolution in all those African instruments into the congas and the bongos and the timbales. And that’s why, you know, in the carnivals in Cuba or the American Republic of Puerto Rico, they would be using the conga. The conga was only one instrument at that time, not like we see today. They would hold it strapped to the body and play it. And those were the original African instrument. They just evolved. And the first instrument that was allowed into a concert hall was the bongos, of African decent. And then eventually what happens is the rhythms are the same. It’s just, there used to be a lot of commerce between the Caribbean and New Orleans, and that’s how back and forth jazz traveled between New Orleans and the Caribbean. And of course it acquired a different color because of the different instruments and different rhythms. But in reality is this, we always that Africa was the grandmother of jazz. And then, the grandchildren evolved in different ways, but at the same time it’s the same route. So definitely the rhythms are… they can coexist, because they have like the same roots. And basically in Latin jazz what we’re doing is using the normal Latin rhythms but we superimpose on that the improvisations and the jazz harmonies and therefore it becomes Latin jazz. And jazz, in traditional jazz, it’s like a different beat – it’s like a 4-beat walking pace, normally. And normally it has the jazz harmonies of course.


But the main difference is the syncopation. In the Caribbean, we added the syncopated underpinning to the whole thing as well. The syncopations in traditional jazz are done by the melodic instruments and the harmonic instruments, and different syncopations assist as well, in the percussion. But they are all cousins. So it’s like a trade between one and the other. And the ones who saw that connection, immediately, were the original ones like Jelly Roll Morton, and Scott Joplin, they used to talk about the Spanish tinge way back in the beginning of jazz., when it was the ragtime, for it. And they always called it Spanish tinge. Today we talk about Latin tinge, and the evolution of it as well.

Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker, they know about it. That’s why in the be-bop times, they added congas and bongos to their music. Ray Barretto used to be recording with Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie; John Reposo was playing congos and bongos with Dizzy Gillespie, that’s why you have Manteca that’s why you have Night in Tunisia. That’s why you had all this. Dizzy always talked about the African Diaspora, that’s what he called it. For him it was, and that’s why he had a big band called the Afro-Cuban band; “Afro-Cuban jazz,” he used to call.. And you know, it’s all like this. There’s a great book in Spain, it’s called “The Encyclopedia of Latin Jazz.” (*Diccionario de jazz latino) Which is really wonderful because it captures everybody that has used Latin rhythms playing jazz. And it’s published in Spain. The only problem is I think is so far, it’s only in Spanish. Yeah, I don’t think it’s published in English yet. But it’s wonderful. The author is Nat Chediak, and Fernando Trueba, the same director that did Calle 54, The compiled all the recording and all the different musicians, Americans or not Americans, that have put together Latin rhythms with jazz, and vice-versa: jazz with Latin rhythms. So it’s a wonderful book, and it’s an encyclopedia. And it’s a complete discography of anybody that has done anything that is related to Latin jazz. It’s very well explained, that book. It’s a nice dictionary. I think it’s called “Dictionary of Latin Jazz”. it’s really wonderful.
ディジー・ガレスピーとチャーリー・パーカー、彼らはそれについて知っています。だからビ・バップの頃彼らはコンガやボンゴを彼らの音楽に加えたのです。レイ・バレットはチャーリー・パーカーやディジー・ガレスピーと一緒にレコーディングしていたものでした。ジョン・レポゾはコンゴやボンゴをディジー・ガレスピーと一緒にやっていて、だから「マンテカ」ができたし、「チュニジアの夜」ができた。だからこれら全てが存在しているのです。ディジーはいつもアフリカン・ディアスポラにつて語っていた、彼はそう呼んでいたのです。彼にとってそれは、そして彼だからこそ、アフロ・キューバン・バンドと呼ばれるビッグ・バンドを組織していたし、そして“アフロ・キューバン・ジャズ”とよんでいました。そして全てこんな具合です。スペインに“ラテン・ジャズ百科事典” (*Diccionario de jazz latino)という素晴らしい本があります。これは本当に素晴しい本で、というのもラテンのリズムを使ってジャズを演奏したことのある人全てを引きつけるのです。ただ1つの問題点は、今のところ、スペイン語のみで出版されていることだと思います。ええ、英語ではまだですね。けれど素晴らしい本です。書いたのはナット・チェディアックとフェルナンド・トゥルエバ、この人は『Calle(カジェ)54』の監督です。彼らが全てのレコーディング、全ての様々な違ったミュージシャンたち、アメリカ人だろうとそうでなかろうと、ラテンのリズムをジャズに合わせて、またその逆、ジャズをラテンのリズムに合わせて、まとめたのです。ですから素晴らしい本ですし、百科事典です。そしてラテン・ジャズに関係することを何かしらしたことのある人にとっての完璧なディスコグラフィーです。とてもよく説明がされていますしいい辞書で“ラテン・ジャズ辞典”と呼ばれていると思います。本当に素晴らしい本なのですよ。



☆ Michel. C :
Yeah I became.. But I belong to the second generation of .. You know, before us there were three decades of great musicians in Latin jazz in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, which eventually evolved into what we called “salsa”. You see salsa musicians in the 70’s were inspired by jazz, and by Afro-Cuban jazz, which is what it used to be called in the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. And then salsa became more of a Latin music, you know, dance music. But the harmonies of salsa were jazz-oriented. And all those musicians making salsa at the time, including the Palmieri Brothers, Eddie Palmieri, where inspired by McCoy Tyner, and by you know, all the guys who were making jazz.



And by Dizzie Gillespie.. And that’s why there would be that Monday Night Big Jam Session and the Village Gate in New York. That used to be called “Salsa Meets Jazz.” It was about that – it was a salsa band accompanying a jazz soloist. They’ll come and sit in with them. And it was a big, big, big series; very popular, every Monday night. And that’s the reason why, because the salsa musicians could play jazz too. It’s just that they weren’t commercial, and they played mostly for dances. And then, in the 80’s, is when the whole thing changed again. And then the Latin musicians didn’t go into salsa bands, but they started making jazz. And that started in Spanish Harlem, in New York, where there used to be a Monday-night jam session. But a jazz jam session, not a Latin jazz session. But everybody used to come there, Americans and Latins, and I think that thing created a whole new style.

☆ Michel. C :
But you see today are all the guys that were in this jam sessions, I was one of them. Steve Turre used to be there too, The Gonzales brothers were there too, Jerry and Andy Gonzales. We all met there, as youngsters. And there was another space in the midtown of New York, in Manhattan, which belonged to an ethno-musicologist – her name was Verna Gillis. And Verna… the name of the place was Soundscape, and she on Thursday nights was the night of the Scattaga, All Jam Session. But then at that time is when the Cubans started arriving in New York, and they came and every, Thursday night, that was the meeting point, everyone would go there and sit in and play. What we played there was all jazz standards, but with Latin beat. And eventually promoters started coming to check us out. And that’s how I was invited the first time in 1986, to go to Berlin Jazz Festival, and bring that sound to Germany. And that was my official debut, in November 1986, in Europe as a leader. And it was a big explosion. But the promoter of the Berlin Jazz Festival, George Gruntz, heard me at Soundscape, and he said, “I want to invite you to my festival.” And that’s how I went there, so that’s how it happens you know?
今日いる人たちは皆このジャム・セッションにいたわけで、私もその1人です。スティーブ・トゥーレもかつてそこにいました。ジェリーとアンディー、ゴンザレス兄弟も。私たちは若者のころに皆そこで出会ったのです。もう1つ、ニューヨークのミッドタウン、マンハッタンにヴェルナ・ギリスという民族音楽学者が持っていた場所があって、名前はサウンドスペースといいました。 木曜の夜は全てがScattaga、ジャム・セッションの夜でした。当時はキューバ人たちがニューヨークにやって来て始めた頃で、やって来た彼らは毎週木曜の夜に、そこを出会いの場所として誰もがそこへやってきては座って、演奏していました。私たちがそこで演奏していたのは全てジャズのスタンダードな曲で、でもラテンのビートでやっていました。そしてやがてはプロモーターが見に来るようになったのです。そうやって私は1986年に始めてベルリン・ジャズ・フェスティバルに招待され、私の音楽をドイツで披露しました。それが1986年11月で、私のリーダーとしての公式な欧州デビューです。大きな展開でした。ベルリン・ジャズ・フェスティバルのプロモーター、ジョージ・グランツは私の演奏をサウンドスペースで聴いて、私に言いました。「君を私のフェスティバルに招きたい」と。そうして私はベルリンに行くことになりました。そんな風に事は起こりますよね。


☆ Michel. C :
So it was a really interesting time because it was an evolution. And at the same time I was going to two other clubs, I was performing at the uptown club called Mikell’s, which was very important because that was a very eclectic club. He had R&B and he had jazz. And that time the most important thing about that club was that he also had the beginning of fusion, yeah, you know, or the ending of fusion, because that’s where Steve Gadd used to play with the band called Stuff, every week. And also Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, that’s where they played. It’s M-I-K-E-L-L-apostrophe-S. And Art Farmer used to play there also, and then George Benison played there too, and Chaka Khan, played there too. And David Sanborn played there too. So look at this, it’s a very wide styles. In the late 70’s and the beginning of the 80’s. That’s where I met George Benison. He used to come and listen to us. He used to sit at the tables, and Chaka Khan, the same. Because we were all also studio musicians, so we used to record everything, you know, not just Latin, but R&B and everything. And you know, Will Lee used to go there and play. And we just used to just jam, and that’s where I use to play with Anthony Jackson and Dave Weckl. In fact Swing Journal did the first article, the first article about me in Japan was done in that club, and there was a big photo of my sextet which included Lew Soloff, and included Chris Hunter, the first edition, and Sammy Figueroa, and Dave Weckl, and Anthony Jackson. And it was a big article on me, and that’s how at that time, that King Records found me, they found me there in that club. And that’s why my first two releases were Japanese. Why Not? and the second one, Suntan. That’s where they found me. And then eventually the club where we moved downtown to in Manhattan, was the Brecker Brothers Club, in 7th avenue south. And hat was the hit club at that time because it was the most avant-garde musically speaking. Because you see it was not a Latin club either. So you see I moved my sextet at that time, down to the village to play at the 7th avenue south club. And it was really very popular. So I play both Uptown and Downtown. That’s why I have a song called Uptown Manhattan. You see, I use to go out to hear Art Blakey when Wynton Marsalis and Branton Marsalis had just arrived into New York, in the mid 80’s. And we used to play together. I sat in with Art Blakey there, I played with him. Because he would go into the tables, and find out who were the musicians, The Musicians. And he would say, “Ok you’re with me. You’re sitting in with me.” It was the greatest scene.! That’s how the jazz evolves. So that’s how it.. You see, for me, I’ve always been in all these different worlds. At the same time I was tolling at Juilliard, You see, at the same exact time. Exactly the same time. I was going to school I was studying classical music at Juilliard, and also at Mannes College of Music. At the same time, at that time, I played with the New York Philharmonic, in New York as a reinforcement musicians. Because they needed someone who could play jazz and classical, because they had a piece, a concerto, of an American Composer that called for jazz musicians to be able to play and to improvise. So you see I was in all the worlds.




☆ Michel. C :
All the time. That’s why I’m very fortunate to be alive today, because somehow it all came handy. You know, I had already what happened was, at that time I had not defined exactly whether I was going to follow a jazz career or not. *pause..* So you know, what happened was, when the Japanese scout found me there, that was a turning point. And even though I was studying classical, the opportunities started happening and I just followed the flow into the jazz world, but I never stopped studying classical. And then when my first album with Sony called Michel Camilo came out, that’s when I was brought by Sony music to France to a showcase in the Milan convention and there is when I met the LeBec sisters, and they were classical pianists. Because they were Sony artists too, Sony classical. So then they heard me play and they said, “Oh, you’re classical!” and I said, “No, I’m jazz.” And then they’d say, “No, no, but your touch on the piano is classical.” So I said, “Well, I studied all that, I can play classical.” And they said “Ok, you’re coming with us on tour.” So we did a tour on three pianos, and that was going back into the classical world. And it was a big success, all over France. We did like 12 concerts, on three pianos. In1990. That’s how I went back into classical. And then they asked me to write a big piece for a symphony orchestra in London. And I composed a piece for them, and then everybody started asking, “Who is that guy?” And that’s how I went back into the classical world, because of them. That’s it.



☆ Michel. C :
Wonderful. Well that would be like what I did at Berklee College of Music. That’s what I did at Berklee. You know, I am a visiting professor at Berklee College of Music, and when I went there I went and taught master classes for like a week, and I chose my subjects everyday, whatever I wanted to teach. So one day I taught about composition and creativity. The next day I taught about improvisation. And the next day I taught about piano technique. Or another day, I talked about orchestration. So it could be like anything like that, we could choose different subjects for each day. Now I went one day to, I was invited by MIT, do you know what that is? MIT is Massachusetts Institute of Technology. That’s where all the scientists go to study; there are no musicians there, only scientists. They invited me to talk to give a clinic about creativity: the other side of the brain. So I did a lecture on that too. So anything is possible. *laughs* It was an honor to go there!
素晴らしい。そうですね。私がバークリー音楽大学で行ったような内容になるでしょう。バークリーでそれをやったのです。私はバークリー音楽大学で客員教授をしていて、そこで、1週間くらいマスタークラスを教えたのですが、私は自分で毎日自分が教えたい題目を選んで教えていました。ある日、作曲と独創性について教えました。翌日には即興について教えました。その翌日にはピアノの技能について教えました。また、別の日にはオーケストレーションについて話しました。こんな風に何でもありで、違った題目をその日ごとに選べたのです。さて、ある日私はMITに招かれたのです。分かります? MIT、マサチューセッツ工科大学ですよ。科学者が勉強に行くところです。そこにはミュージシャンはいません。科学者だけです。彼らは創造性というものについての短期講座をして欲しいと私を招いたのです。つまり脳の反対側ですね。だからそれについて講義をしました。つまり、何でも可能なのです。(笑) MITへ行けたのは光栄でしたね。



☆ Michel. C :
I want to thank all of you that came and enjoyed my music and that came and supported us this week because we had a wonderful time thanks to you. And I love you so much and I hope to see you soon. Take care and god bless you.

 official web site :

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 HTML メールにて、新規決定公演のいち早情報や、おすすめ情報をお届け。